A Look At Broken Dzi Beads
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- Written by: Tan Chin Hock
- Category: Dzi Beads
- Hits: 12330
Sometimes I received emails from buyers that the dzi beads they purchased have broken into pieces and what should they do with the beads. There are also website visitors asking about they found someone selling broken dzi beads and should or should not they buy such beads.
In fact, in Tibet, broken dzi beads can be "repaired" by glue together the broken pieces if available.
Celebrities with Tibetan Dzi Beads
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- Written by: Tan Chin Hock
- Category: Dzi Beads
- Hits: 10461
I started to trade Tibetan dzi beads many years ago and since then I have collected many information regarding this mysterious bead from online and offline.
Here are some photos on international celebrities wearing Tibetan dzi beads.
1) I first saw Sting wearing a vertical nine eye dzi bead many years ago from Internet. You can easily find many of his photos with this bead from internet.
Tibetan Fashion with Dzi Beads
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- Written by: Tan Chin Hock
- Category: Dzi Beads
- Hits: 12452
Tibetan fashion has a strong connection with the people and climate of the “Roof of the World”, reflecting the history of the local Tibetan people. Here is a collection of Tibetan fashion with dzi beads.
Meanings of Dzi Beads in Japanese Language
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- Written by: Tan Chin Hock
- Category: Dzi Beads
- Hits: 10025
Monday, 16 November 2009 19:21
1. 一眼天珠 (いちがんてんじゅ)大願成就・蓄財富貴・福運招来・家運隆盛
2. 二眼天珠 (にがんてんじゅ)夫婦円満・恋愛成就・商売繁盛・事業成功
3. 三眼天珠(さんがんてんじゅ)幸運招来・金運獲得・発財高揚・延命長寿
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